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Ford - Everest
Seek Your Experience

In 2022, Ford Australia challenged us to explore the Australian outback and document our creative process. They equipped us with two of their Everest's so we'd never have to worry about the conditions ahead.

We chose to create a story-driven film rather than just flashy car sequences, even though they were fun to capture. It wouldn't have been possible without the epic crew you can see below.


Producer - Matt Horspool

Assistant Producer - Harrison Candlin

DP - Matt Horspool ft Harrison Candlin

Agency - We Are Pulse

CO - Harrison Candlin, Matt Horspool, Zac Freuden, Sam Buchwald & James Elliott

Assistants/Drivers - Zac Freuden & Sam Buchwald

FPV - Zac Freuden Zac Freuden

Car Grip - Sam Buchwald Sam Buchwald

Editor - Matt Horspool

Colour - Matt Horspool

Sound Design - Ryan Sanders

Voice Over - Jono Oldham

Stills - Harrison Candlin & Matt Horspool

Key Locations



Matt Horspool, DP/Photographer

A guy who loves the Australian outdoors and thrives on locating places that aren't frequented by others. 

Note: All images by Matt Horspool


Harrison Candlin, Photographer/CO

Harrison is a good mate of mine and we've collaborated on numerous projects now.


Sam Buchwald,

Sam is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He helped me out on a previous job and I knew we had to have him on this job to help drive and set up the car mount.


Zac Freuden, Driver/ FPV/CO

I'm not sure I've ever met a guy who froths life more than Zac. He was a bundle of energy and his fpv skills were vital to the film.

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